A solo piece of processional psychedelia.



A collaboration with Ed End that was actually released last year through Ed’s label Le Colibri Nécrophile. Now available on Bandcamp.

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“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”

Aldous Huxley (1935)

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Remembering Nicky Hopkins (Feb 24, 1944 – Sep 6, 1994)

The time of rock ‘n’ roll has seen a number of really good pianists, and some stellar organists, but very few have been exceptional at both. I’m not gonna get into naming or ranking them because, when it comes to exceptional rock ‘n’ roll pianists who were also stellar organists, Nicky Hopkins was without equal. To my ears, he still sits at the top of the mountain.

A prolific studio musician, he played on records by many well known artists – Harry Nilsson, the Steve Miller Band, solo albums from all four Beatles (as well as electric piano on “Revolution”), Donovan, Jefferson Airplane, Carly Simon, Rod Stewart, Peter Frampton, and Jerry Garcia. Between 1967 and 1981 he played on 11 Rolling Stones albums (his piano is what drives the rhythm in “Sympathy for the Devil”), four Kinks albums in the ’60s, and The Who’s Next and By the Numbers. A member of the original Jeff Beck Group, he appeared on Truth and Beck-Ola.

During 1969 and 1970 he was a full-time member of Quicksilver Messenger Service, and that’s where my very favorite Nicky Hopkins composition comes from. “Edward, the Mad Shirt Grinder” (from Shady Grove) is a piano tour-de-force, with a frosting of sweet organ, that leaves me breathless each time I hear it. If you don’t know the tune, you really ought to do yourself a huge favor and give it a listen.

Happy birthday, Tin Man.

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“Forty years of tax cuts for the super-rich have shown that a rising tide doesn’t lift all ships—just the superyachts.”

— Gabriela Bucher, executive director of Oxfam International.

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Once upon a time, there was a thing called The American Dream. If you grew up in the United States you were told all you had to do was work hard and you’d attain a level of affluence, comfort and prestige unavailable anywhere else. If you emigrated to the United States, it was likely because the carrot of the American Dream was held in front of you. There are countless stories of people doing just that – putting on their “hard hat”, scraping a path through the workaday muck, fighting against difficult economic and social odds, and reaching a level of comfort that would have been otherwise unknown. For the most part, unknown anywhere else. Something we call “middle class” – the buffer between those who had “nothing” and those who had “a whole lot”.

The Dream still exists, but it’s merely word play these days. Now, hard work at multiple jobs may be all that keeps an individual, a family, or an ethnically tied group from sliding into abject poverty. It takes a long time for that to be understood by the world’s masses that emigrate in hopes of finding a better life. The lines seeking admittance into the United States are still very long, and growing numbers of those already here who are struggling for existence – who choose to forget that their families all began their history here as immigrants – don’t want any more following them. It is not a pretty situation.

The Dream still exists because politicians and would-be demigods (usually “working” in mass-media), and their controlling puppet masters proclaim that it does. Less than 1 percent of the citizenry in the United States controls the country’s wealth. The American Dream has become the American Nightmare – well on its way to the American Horror.

For tens of millions of people in this country, that Horror is already here.

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Hell Jar

The music is “old” (released on “Odds-n-Ends” 2018) but the video is bran’ spankin’ new (five days ago as I type).

on YouTube

Caution in the initial step –
dragging shadows past their usefulness.
Beloved believing in their grieving
remainders are reminders of a shallow past.

Cold are the thoughts intruding on desire
(weighted threats enclose the hollow throne).
Vanquished reluctantly, kneeling over mind –
spirits impaled upon the pyre.

Lost traction again –
spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning away.
That empty frame lying naked in the hall
determines all, the more I couldn’t say.

Aberrations on the trail lay waste to endless peace,
marking passage built on wanderlust in pain.
Rain falls again, washing clean the tainted grief,
leaving shadows in restraint along the way.

Cried for help, but the damage was done –
turning, turning, turning, turning away.
Reasons relinquished were second to none
(dead heart relieved to be a soldier).

Crossways in the wrong time, head lost in the roar –
the wrong way reveals a malice grin.
Nine locks upon the door, feet nailed to the floor,
turning, turning, turning, turning within.

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“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

George Orwell

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Circle of Fits

from “IF WE HAD KNOWN” (Sara Ayers and Jeff Sampson)

Oh terror, what is the cause?
How did I lose my peace and accord?
My last wish was different than the ones before,
how did I get myself so turned around?

Perhaps it’s a matter of perception,
perhaps someone wants to walk me home.
I couldn’t live there anymore,
my likeness was standing in a panic –
my shadow, fleeting and anaemic.
The streets were flowing red –
so many faces I knew washing by.

I’m a toy – pull my chain, I’ll laugh for you.
Cut my hair – change my shoes, it’s pointless.
There’s nothing permanent about the way you make me lie.

A shrug for the scowls I perceive.
What is the reason behind you wanting me to believe?
I’ll never play those stupid games again.

I’m a volunteer, I’m only here because I want to be.
What is the point of ignoring me?
Should it be me who turns his back to walk away?

Calmer winds overrule.
Calmer thoughts may see me through.
A younger me might start it all again,
but there doesn’t seem to be a point to any type of plan.

I haven’t been around the world
but I have been several kinds of fool
and I don’t want that again.
Offer me your hand,
your strength will calm me.
Is there any other way?

Memory – tearing me.
Memory – haunting me.

Jeff Sampson (2008)

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No Change

“It wasn’t that we were on the wrong side. We were the wrong side.”

Daniel Ellsberg (talking about the Vietnam War)

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‘Bout time I caught up with this.

newest audio releases

San Ren Sei: Potion of Hour

Often Coiled: Slowercase

Jeff Sampson: 20/20 Hindsight (Subtle Misses)

newest videos

Jeff Sampson: Dharma Darkling

Jeff Sampson: Spirits in the Dry Land

Jeff Sampson: Bay of Mystery

Sara Ayers and Jeff Sampson: Elegy for a Drowning World

Sampson – Carroll: Continuous Ko

Jeff Sampson: Ghosts of Crimea

Sampson – Carroll: Curtain Off the Scene

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