Category Archives: new music
‘Bout time I caught up with this. newest audio releases San Ren Sei: Potion of Hour Often Coiled: Slowercase Jeff Sampson: 20/20 Hindsight (Subtle Misses) newest videos Jeff Sampson: Dharma Darkling Jeff Sampson: Spirits in the Dry Land Jeff Sampson: … Continue reading
Posted in catalog releases, new music, Often Coiled, Sampson - Carroll, Sara Ayers, solo, Soundcloud, video
Tagged collaboration, Mindspawn, Often Coiled, Sampson - Carroll, Sara Ayers, solo, songs
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============= Maudlin is an emotion for soloists. ————- A few of the WIPS I talked about last October are now on line. The Sampson – Carroll album Crepuscular Stirrings is here. The cover of I Don’t Remember is here. Ocean, … Continue reading
Posted in new music, Often Coiled, Sampson - Carroll, Sara Ayers, Soundcloud, WIPs
Tagged collaboration, cover songs, Often Coiled, Sampson - Carroll, Sara Ayers, songs
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Works In Progress
Current WIPs CREPUSCULAR STIRRINGS: An album of commercially unreleased Sampson – Carroll material that was recorded over a period of years. I’ve been revisiting the original mixes this year and adjusting where deemed necessary. As soon as I can tame … Continue reading
Posted in new music, remixes, Sampson - Carroll, Sara Ayers, solo, Uncategorized, WIPs
Tagged atmospherics, collaboration, cover songs, remixes, Sampson - Carroll, Sara Ayers, solo, songs
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Have You Heard (and Watched)… ?
131F Orange, You Glad? Proving Grounds (audio) (with Sean Carroll) Proving Grounds (video) (with Sean Carroll) Barefoot in Imaginarium Elegy for a Drowning World (with Sara Ayers)
Posted in alonetone, new music, Often Coiled, Sampson - Carroll, Sara Ayers, solo, Soundcloud
Tagged collaboration, Sampson - Carroll, Sara Ayers, solo, songs, video
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Have you heard… ?
Bay of Mystery Hallowed Bones The Middle Mass Extinction Upbringing
Posted in Kuunganisha, lyrics, new music, Often Coiled, solo, Soundcloud, video
Tagged collaboration, dad rock, Hallowed Bones, Hearn Gadbois, Jeff Sampson, Kuunganisha, solo, songs, video
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Some things just take a long while to reach fruition. Sara Ayers and I released a three song EP back in 2006 (Thrice Thy Heart Shall Broken Be). A year later (maybe less), the label discontinued it without saying anything … Continue reading
Posted in new music
Tagged ambient, atmospheric, electronic, ethereal, male and female voices, Sara Ayers, soundscape
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What – already? Yup, a new piece of music sitting on Soundcloud. Titled “Silk Stocking”, it falls under the “Groove ‘n’ Spoke” umbrella. I like it a lot. What do you think?