Author Archives: admin
No tones alone
I’ve learned of another worthwhile place to post music. is a “soundcloud” of mp3-only music (or whatever) that is all feely downloadable. You don’t need an account to listen or download. There’s a community function, if one should feel … Continue reading
I wrote these words in 2001, a few days after the event in the USA we memorialize each year on this day. HEATWAVE (Jeff Sampson) (whisper) things are not what they seem. (lightly) your tranquility – there for all to … Continue reading
Play Today
Why does today seem like a good day to tell you what I listened to? I’ve no idea, so I’ll do it. Frank Zappa: Sleep Dirt Eric Snelders: The Source of Scarlet Dreams Gert Blokzijl: Frame of Reference Keller and … Continue reading
Some things just take a long while to reach fruition. Sara Ayers and I released a three song EP back in 2006 (Thrice Thy Heart Shall Broken Be). A year later (maybe less), the label discontinued it without saying anything … Continue reading
What – already? Yup, a new piece of music sitting on Soundcloud. Titled “Silk Stocking”, it falls under the “Groove ‘n’ Spoke” umbrella. I like it a lot. What do you think?
He’s Back!
Hello! Admittedly, there hasn’t been much in the way of new music from me the past few years. That’s only because I hadn’t been putting many consecutive minutes into making any. 🙂 I got a decent nudge about a year … Continue reading